Carpenter Ants Control Removal

If you notice that you have carpenter ants in your home, you may be wondering how to get rid of them. Carpenter ants are usually found in wooded areas, including forests and homes. The food supply found in homes provides an ever-replenishing source for these pests. Fortunately, there are many methods for controlling and removing carpenter ants from your home.

Among the most effective methods for removing carpenter ants from your home are prevention techniques and preventative measures. You should apply waterproof sealants and keep your food stored properly to prevent insects from entering. If you think you have a nest, contact an exterminator to help you prevent them from coming back. Exterminators have the right equipment and training to locate and treat ant nests. seattle exterminators

To get rid of carpenter ants, first inspect your home for any signs of infestation. Carpenter ants can enter your home through cracks, holes, or other areas. A perimeter insecticide application will keep them out, and will give you peace of mind that your home will be pest-free. In addition to perimeter applications, exterminators can also provide services for preventative measures, like preventing carpenter ants from entering the home in the first place.

Before contacting an exterminator, it is important to destroy the nest and remove any potential food sources for the ants. Homeowners can also kill carpenter ants with boric acid powder. However, this method is only effective if the infestation is at its early stages. If the nest is near piping, for example, the pests can enter the home through it. In addition, you should remove any dead wood from your home and remove any branches or trees that may act as a bridge.

Prevent Pest Control specializes in residential and commercial pest control. They know how to use insecticides and know which pesticides to use for the best results. Whether you have a small infestation or a large infestation, Top Quality Exterminating will protect your home and prevent carpenter ants from returning. To schedule a service today, contact Top Quality Exterminators and ask for a free no-obligation quote!

Insecticides with pyrethroids are the most effective way to remove carpenter ants from your home. These insecticides can be used in junction boxes and electrical outlets. However, you must not use liquid insecticides inside of these areas. For exterior nests, you should use an insecticide that penetrates the wall at 16-inch intervals. Exterior perimeter foundation stem wall treatments should be conducted during warmer months to prevent carpenter ants from returning.

In addition to causing damage to your home, carpenter ants also carry disease. Although they usually do not transmit disease through their bites, they may transfer germs to surfaces around your home. Getting rid of them will reduce the exposure to potentially dangerous germs. Getting rid of your carpenter ant problem is essential if you want to prevent an even bigger problem in the future.